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Return to bowling

16 June 2020 at 23:00:00

Return to bowling

Secretary Norman Barton, on behalf of the committee, writes:

"Hi Everyone,


It is with a glow in my heart when I say the time to bowl again will soon be with us!


The committee has put together a "Covid Protocol", a rink diary, secured a reduction in the green fee from the council and purchased a supply of cleaning products, all in readiness to allow bowling to resume.


It will not be the same, but with care and following the protocol we hope you will all be safe and able to enjoy time on the green.


As things stand we are only able to use 3 rinks in any direction at one time. To facilitate this, Jo has been very busy constructing a "Rink booking diary". This will allow you to book and/or see if rinks are available. Email, phone and text can be used to reserve a slot. Email is the preferred option, but you can ring or text to reserve a slot if time is of the essence. You must NOT, under any circumstances, just turn up and hope to bowl but wait for a reply and rink number allocation. We will need to know all players who will use a rink, not just the person who is making the booking.

No booking will be reserved until a start date is agreed and we fire the starting gun.


As things stand we will start bowling on 1st July, but you will need to renew your memberships and purchase a green ticket.

Look forward to catching up with you all.


Stay safe



This is fantastic news and we look forward to getting back on the green safely and responsibly!

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